Let’s assume you’re visiting a decent restaurant. After you reach there, you’ll see different shorts of people like waiters, receptionists, chefs, etc. Each of them is doing what they are instructed for. Like Waiter is serving the food, Receptionists are giving the bills and greetings, and so on. Similarly, within the IT world, they’re known as the framework. The framework is nothing but a predefined classic that can be used as inputs for getting some output reciprocally.
There are many frameworks available to do a specific job. Some of the members are famous, like react, amber, angular. Some are new and fastest-growing, i.e. Vue. We all know enough about famous ones, right? So, let’s talk about growing one. “Vue”
Vue.js is a progressive framework for JavaScript used to build interfaces and one-page web applications. Another great use of Vue is used for both desktop and mobile app development with an electron framework.
Okay, we get that It’s a growing framework, the question is why it’s demands increase drastically? It is new in the market as It is inaugurated by Evan You merely 6 years ago. And there are many developers who are admiring this kind of framework already!! Well, we’ve got here listed some reasons why demand is increased and benefits of VueJs framework? And also, in the end, we noted down some statistics regarding Its job so one can decide whether it should be learned or not?
Among hundreds of reasons to grasp about Vue is the framework is how much It’s easy to use. Vue hit the road when it involves this point because It is not only easy when we use to develop a single page application but also once you want to learn it. It’s simplicity, library (which doesn’t require deep knowledge), typescript all these reasonably functions helps us to learn easily. A friend (Developer himself) of mine quoted for Vue as ‘you feel walking when you use other frameworks but with Vue, you’re running at super speed.’
It is a tiny low point but you cannot neglect it, after all, size matters when it comes to developing an application, you may have to include many different kinds of stuff to include except some bizarre words with a semicolon. But Vue isn’t the same as other frameworks. It contains only 18 – 21 KB. It means you can start in nearly no time and also download it in an exceedingly fraction of a second.
Actually, this point also includes one more thing, “Integration capabilities”. It is important to understand how many points these frameworks easily integrate with other existing applications. Vue is as easy as pie. because It relies only on JavaScript and doesn’t require to work through. So, it empowers developers to use a wide range of tools that result in rendering the method of starting a native app/website.
Not limited to it, it also allows you to use a template you wish to use: HTML, JS, or JSX. So, a good range of tools and different kinds of usable templates is used with nearly any kind of project.
We should give a souvenir to Vue for this specific feature among frameworks when It comes to documentations. And It deserves this kind of credit because It includes almost every topic and describes it precisely from installation to scaling the app. Don’t be surprised to search out a comparison function where you’ll easily compare Vue with other JavaScript frameworks.
You might don’t know but the idea of Vue comes from the community which still remains standing. If you have got any queries regarding Vue and you put it on the chat forum. It is pretty much be solved by one of the members within a short span of time.
Of course, It has some bad sides like Language barrier, limited resources, lack of experienced developers, etc. But It has more pros and few numbers of cons that may be ignored by any developers, and with time these kinds of issues would be resolved.
Now, as we mentioned before here is a little bit of a glance on Job demands of Vue Developers, we believe with the increased demands of Vue framework usage, the demands of their developers are definitely increased. And that we have statistics to prove our belief.
You can see how job demands increased developers on even the most famous job portals LinkedIn. These numbers on the diagrams are for 2019. For 2020 it is a way more and better as in a step with the survey It rises almost 23% within the first half-year period of 2020. This simply implies that employers want to hire Vue developers across the globe. As far as the second diagram is concerned, It is only the showcase of market share that Vue is having currently according to GitHub.
To conclude, Vue is quite simple to learn and develop the one-page web application that includes a small size with great support from its community. There are some other vital features like easy development and documentation that will make it really easy as an excellent choice for any kind of project. As we understand this technology, these are the main reasons why more and more developers upvotes for the Vue. We already have Vue developers in our firm that can develop any web application that you want so if you are looking for the same just click here.
Vuejs is an open source JavaScript framework used to build user-interfaces. It can also function as a web app framework that is capable of handling advanced single-page apps.
VUEJS Lifecycle
If you want to go deep in Vue, firstly you should be familiar with the component lifecycle.
Life-cycle methods serve as an imagination as to how our built components work behind the scenes. They provide you with methods that enable you to trigger different actions at a different interface of a component’s life-cycle. You can use the component’s state and methods through an auto-bind property of life-cycle methods to your component.
Categories of VUEJS Lifecycle
Below are different four categories of lifecycle :
1. Creation (Initialization)
2. Mounting (DOM Insertion)
3. Updating (Diff & Re-render)
4. Destruction (Teardown)
This method allows you to perform actions before your component has even been added to the DOM. Unlike methods Use creation hooks if you need to set things up in your component both during client rendering and server rendering.
Creation methods are implemented using beforeCreate() and created() hooks. You can’t able to access to the DOM or the target mounting element (this.$el) inside of creation hooks.
beforeCreate() : The beforeCreate() hook runs at first when a component is still in the non-reactive mode and events that happen during the component’s lifecycle have yet not been set up. You can see in the examples below where x is undefined.
created() : The created() hook takes place when Vue has set up events and data observation. Here, templates have not yet been mounted or rendered but events are active and access to reactive data is enabled. Look at the code block below:
Mounting(DOM Insertion)
This method is widely used when working with components. It allows you to access your component immediately before and after it is rendered the first time. It is used when you want to modify the DOM of your component immediately before or after the initial render.
During server-side rendering, this method shouldn’t be used for fetching data for components on initialization. For that purpose, you can use created() methods
beforeMount() : This method is cited only after the template has been compiled and virtual DOM is updated by Vue. After this, the $el(element) property is added to the Vue instance, the native DOM is updated and the mounted() method is cited.
mounted() : The mounted() method you will have full access to the reactive component, templates, and rendered DOM. Mounted is the most generally used lifecycle hook. It is usually used for collecting the data for your component and then altering the DOM to amalgamate other libraries and frameworks asides Vue. Let’s see the code block below:
Using the mounted() method to fetch this data from the DOM:
Updating methods are very useful for debugging purpose. This method is called whenever a reactive property used by your component changes or re-render occurs. The component’s DOM will be updated when this hook is called allowing you to use the updated methods to execute operations dependant on the DOM.
Note: Don’t use updating methods to change state, for that you can use computed properties or watchers.
beforeUpdate() : This method is executed after the data changes on your component and the updated cycle starts exactly before the DOM is patched and re-rendered. It lets you obtain the new state of any kind of reactive data on your component prior to being rendered. Let’s look at the code block below:
updated() : The updated() method runs immediately after the data changes on your component and the re-rendering of DOM takes place. Let’s have a look at the code block below:
Interacting with our Vue instance:
Last and final stage of a component’s life-cycle is Destruction method. In this it allows you to execute actions such as cleanup when your components have been destroyed and are performed when your components have been torn down and removed from the DOM.
beforeDestroy() : This method is performed before the components are destroyed. Here your components are still completely present and perfectly functional. If you want to cleanup events, beforeDestroy() is the best time to do that. Let’s take a look at the code block below:
destroyed() : This method is called only after your component has been destroyed, its directives have been unbound and its event listeners have been removed successfully. The destroyed() method allows you to do last minute cleanup or inform the remote server about the component being destroyed. Let’s take a look at the code block below:
Closing Note
Through this vuejs development services life-cycle, you should be able to visualize the journey of a Vue instance and get an idea about which method gets initialized at which phase of coding as well as it’s easy to customize your own whenever the need arises with help of various hooks or methods. For more details, you can go through the Vue’s documentation for the other methods and properties that can be used alongside with the life-cycle methods when you are creating your components.
More to learn here:
Vue is a dynamic system for building UIs. Dissimilar to other solid systems, Vue is outlined from the beginning to be incrementally adoptable. Vue is a progressive framework for building user interfaces. Unlike other monolithic frameworks, VueJS focuses on the view layer. It can be easily integrated into big projects for front-end development without any issues.
Comparison with Other Frameworks
~ Vue is one of the best choice if you want to learn the framework in an easy way.
~ Vue and Angular – VueJs is a fast growing framework, and angular is made by Google and its predecessor but, angularJS was very successful earlier.
~ Vue is much more fun to learn compared to React.
~ Vue.js is another framework which is relatively smaller and new to the web industry..
Why Choose Vue.js
~ Vue is closer to the first JavaScript code & the sentence structure. It applies HTML for templating not like other JavaScript systems or libraries.
~ It has got the best doc library you could ever find.
~ Vue.js does not make ample presumptions about a lot of things. It simply just accepts that your information is going to change.
Features of Vue.js
Key Features
~ Simple(low barrier of entry)
~ Reactive
~ Component-based
~ Server-side Rendering (Streaming SSR)
~ Custom Filters
~ Data Binding
~ Routing
~ Transitions
~ Extensive documentation.
1. Focus
Vue.js is principally used for making UI better for the user and this is achieved by a library that does not have any effect from the structures out there.
2. Transition effects
It has 6 different classes which you can then customise in SaaS to handle timing, and the start/ end styles of the transition. During the transition process, Vue adds and removes classes on components/elements.
3. Easy to Understand and Develop Applications
In case of any problem, the user can easily trace the blocks with errors. All this is because of its simple structure. Both the small as well as large-scale templates can be developed through this framework which saves a lot of time.
1. You can’t promote your application from the app store. It’s a big deal.
2. Language Barrier, a majority of the users are non-English speaking communities which are perhaps one of the biggest issues with this framework.
3. Low performance, In spite of the fact that JS motor is much capable now, it’s still much feeble than the local UI. Likewise, one should take note of that even the Chrome application on iOS gadgets does not utilize JS motor V8.
4. Being too flexible can be problematic.
The most important thing about Vue.js
~ Vue.js lets you connect your data models to the representation layer. You can also reuse the components all through the application..
~ There is no need to follow any specific syntax. There is no requirement to install any of the never-ending reliance.
~ You don’t need to make any specific collections or even register event objects there.
Keeping in mind the modesty, performance, weightless codebase, advanced documentation, adaptability, faster development and easy up-gradation you can say that Vue.Js is definitely a simple front-end framework.