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04 May, 2016

Trends to watch in Customer Relationship Management Systems

A few years back, CRM Systems was thought to be on the decline. But fresh trends mean it isn’t over yet for Customer Relationship Management software.

CRM - Customer Relationship Management Systems

CRM systems Then and Now

9series presents a timeline, how CRM has evolved over the decades. The term became familiar in the early 90s when it began and used to named as front-office applications. Several personalities and organization were credited with neologizing the term, incorporating John Anton, Tom Siebel, and Gartner Inc.

Antecedent to the 90s, database marketing was popular to gain insight into consumer behavior with the help of statistical analysis. The late 80s observed the introduction of PC-based contact management system. This system eventually evolved into sales force automation (SFA).

For years, the CRM development relied profoundly on technology and software developments. Oracle, Siebel, and SAP became the pioneers in the industry. E-CRM vendors like Broadbase, Kana, and e.piphany appeared a few years later, as the Internet gained ground.

With the entrance of social media and open source software, CRM has endured developments and transformations geared toward a paradigm shift. And despite many impediments, the field remains full of opportunities for both businesses and customers.

Top CRM Trends to Explore

Social media networks are constantly changing user as well as customer experience and evolving to answer customers’ ever changing demands. Consumers now have the mechanisms to express their opinions on everything, anytime-anywhere across the globe. This has changed the role of customer feedbacks, and made it much more prominent; in the end, customer feedback over social media has been known to make or break businesses. As a result, marketers are increasingly growing aware of the potential of social media as a method for engaging existing and potential patrons. Mobility is also creating marketing and technology trends thanks to the emergence of smartphones and tablet PCs.

This has changed the importance of Customer Feedback and made it every essential; Customer Feedback is known to be a game changer over social media. It will make or break businesses. Business Entities are increasingly getting conscious of the power of Social Media as a proven method of engaging current and potential customers.

1. Cloud-based CRM Systems

Cloud computing continues to rise, and CRM has not been left behind in this area. Cloud-based CRM software is a cost-efficient means of accumulating customer data. Unlike before, on-field resources no longer need to search for leads to input into a system for scheduled sales calls; sources of client data are already available. Cloud-based CRM systems will gain momentum as cloud-based applications continue to advance.

2. Social CRM

In 2008, Comcast was the pioneer company which first took to Twitter to interact with customers, proving the power of social CRM. Social media marketing persists in an uptrend and businesses are paying attention. Customers are empowered by social media sites to influence products or brand image and perceptions. Negative feedbacks no longer limit to a call to customer service; businesses can expect those feedbacks to reach potential customers before they do. Software Vendors are now acknowledging to social CRM needs. SEO and gamification are gaining traction as marketing tactics, keeping consumers engaged with the brand and company.

3. Centralized Data

Chief Economist of Google, Hal Varian once said that “Datarati are organizations that have the edge in consumer data insight.” CRM trends(dot)com states that CRM systems will continue to strive to understand consumers through comprehensive data collection and analytics. Pamela O’Hara, president of Batchbook also notes that by centralizing data through CRM software, businesses will be able to engage and target customers more effectively. CRM data will not end with producing leads for the sales department but will be a continuing process that and also includes sustaining relationships with a growing customer base.

4. Mobility

William Band, Forrester vice president, and analyst observe how mobility has transformed into a crucial corporate component. Customers are no longer restricted to PCs and they are constantly accessing information on the go. Core Salesforce and customer service resources will be empowered by mobile devices for support. On the other hand, customer perception will also be shaped by real-world involvement along with online and mobile experiences.

5. Flexibility

Flexibility for a CRM users is key because it enables a user to customize the software to meet their requirements. The efficiency of assimilation and multichannel publishing are fundamental corporate considerations. A flexible and convenient CRM platform are becoming more important for users.

CRM in the Future

Businesses looking to secure the power of customer relationships should pursue tactics that are most in line with the type of consumers they have and type they want to gain. We at 9series have the expertise to deliver need based and industry-specific CRM solution that enables a business to customize software according to user need.


