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28 September, 2020

Machine Learning in the Manufacturing Industry

Machine Learning in the Manufacturing Industry
It’s a traditional observation that once you watch YouTube, Netflix, or Amazon Prime They suggest related feeds that you just have shown earlier. But does one realize how does it happen? How does an app know what you wish to stream in the first place? It’s due to Machine Learning. you probably heard this word and here we are to discuss it on it and different ways it helps to manufacture Industry.

According to Technology Review (MIT), Machine Learning is nothing but different kinds of algorithms that use statistics to find patterns from data. Here data comprehend load of things such as images, numbers, words, etc. anything that can be digitally stored. It’s basically an ability to learn through data by the machine itself. You could know about Machine Learning from here.

In the constantly changing world, Businesses are constantly thriving new ways to maximizing profits and willing to supply the best products or services, these advanced technologies like Machine Learning or Artificial Intelligence can offer some stellar opportunities. We already have seen how we analyze thousands of data in minutes during any market research or we can predict a company’s growth or progress for better investments, let’s delve into What kind of opportunities Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence can provide to the Manufacturing Industry. Here, we mentioned a number of foremost effective and famous techniques that are getting used during this Industry.

  1. Product Development
  2. Quality Control as well as improvement
  3. Changing general as well as a specific process
  4. Cost Production
  5. Improve Supply Chain Management

1. Product Development

Generally, Big Companies do research and analysis before they launch any product. The market through different forms of channels and data they infer current market needs, flaws in particular products or necessary improvisation of the products, etc. They also keep thriving new business opportunities in various markets that would possibly generate revenue streams for the present companies. Now, all these kinds of things are nothing but careful examining of data and their useful inferences. And Machine Learning exactly does the identical. So, whenever It comes to developing a product, Machine Learning uses its best level.

Coca-cola showcases one amongst the most effective examples, according to the company statements, During the making of “Cherry Sprite” (coca-cola Product) they have massive amounts of data about different region needs and various combinations of flavors. They used Machine learning to evaluate the best combination and after they made the product they named it Cherry sprite.

2. Quality Control as well as improvement

With the help of ML and Its different algorithms, we can easily detect defection before it reaches the end consumers. In fact, according to a study of McKinsey, with the assistance of ML and AI, we improved almost 90% compared to human defect detection. There are also many other applications such as Quality enhancement, detect faults in plants, or predict maintenance in order to avoid long downfalls.

We couldn’t give the best example other than General Electric for this specific application. General Electric one of the biggest investors in Quality control and maintenance. It creates hundreds of thousands of units and employments in order to improve its quality in all its products as well as improvise manufacturing plants. Currently, they use ML for the malfunctioning of any plant during production as well as predict the long-term solutions for it.

3. Changing a general or specific process

We have numerous processes for manufacturing a selected product or hundreds of different methods of daily cycles. With the help of machine learning, one can understand the day to day issues in the assembly line or defective piece of machines on the sites.

We would like to take Seimen as an example of the changing processes in the manufacturing industry, they used Machine Learning and neural networks across their steel plants so as to eliminate the malfunctioning processes and improving the efficiency of the production. Along with it, they also used sensors connected with AI that help them to monitor, recording, or examining every step of the process.

4. Improve Supply chain Management

We often heard that plenty of changes are going on nowadays in any industry but you never heard more than Supply chain management, according to Deloitte’s digital Report, the supply chain will entirely change in the next 20 to 30 years. Numerous changes are occurring because of machine learning.

SCM optimizing Machine Learning to derive the change. Some of them are, Predictive Analysis, Last mile tracking, identifying fraud, scheduling maintenance, damaged products (through sensors), boosting end to end visibility, Warehouse management, etc. One can specify each of these into a different big function or individual field.

5. Cost Reduction

Let’s understand it as a process. when we use any kind of machine that requires maintenance or repair (If it’s not working properly) Machine learning gives you long-term solutions that require less maintenance and might predict some parts of the machine which will malfunction if we don’t change it. This type of solution ultimately leads us to proper maintenance and less downtime. And that is what reduces our costs.

We discussed only a few but famous changes that can successfully implement in the manufacturing Industry. We can already see the results of this new technology adoption. Increased productivity, Less downtime, and failures, and a number of other things if we would count. Although, we are far away from its general adoption and here is where we can help you. To provide medium-sized manufacturing plants as well as Industry we’ve developed some of the machine learning services.

