VueJS instance forms the core of this programming language. Whenever a VueJS application is created, a new object is created in the instance that helps a developer to build desired behavior. It consists of various options like templates, methods, props, watchers, lifecycles, data and many other things. It is the life cycle stage that enables developers to add codes in their applications depending on the stages. The four different stages in VueJS life cycle are:
Nowadays, Application of software development is one of the most popular businesses being practised both at the individual as well as enterprise levels. Various tools and techniques are being used by the developers for launching successful applications. Many software technologies are also being used by the developers to make the applications faster, more attractive and user-friendly among them. Vue.js is one of those new software technologies that are being widely used all over the world for web development. Vue.js is simply a JavaScript framework with various optional tools for building user interfaces. In the age of new javascript frameworks that are component-driven, Vue is distinct by its simplicity and performance. It mainly focuses on the view layer and offers a lot of functionality for the view layer and used for building powerful single-page web apps. Vue.js uses JavaScript ES5 or ES6 while Laravel provides a core library...
Definition Vuejs is an open source JavaScript framework used to build user-interfaces. It can also function as a web app framework that is capable of handling advanced single-page apps. VUEJS Lifecycle If you want to go deep in Vue, firstly you should be familiar with the component lifecycle. Life-cycle methods serve as an imagination as to how our built components work behind the scenes. They provide you with methods that enable you to trigger different actions at a different interface of a component’s life-cycle. You can use the component’s state and methods through an auto-bind property of life-cycle methods to your component. Categories of VUEJS Lifecycle Below are different four categories of lifecycle : 1. Creation (Initialization) 2. Mounting (DOM Insertion) 3. Updating (Diff & Re-render) 4. Destruction (Teardown) Creation This method allows you to perform actions before your component has even been added to the DOM. Unlike methods Use creation hooks if you need...