50 years ago, we use to receive information about any product via radio, newspaper, television & through word of mouth. But, nowadays everything is changed. If we want to buy any product, we just google it and see the reviews given by different users. Being a marketer, the moment of purchase and pre-ordering is valuable for selling more products in the market. The Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT) refers to the buying cycle when the consumer researches a product, often before the seller even knows that they exist. The number of customers investigating a product online prior to purchases has been on the rise in recent years as the internet and mobile keep on advancing. First Moment of Truth The First Moment of Truth (FMOT) was introduced by the Procter & Gambler (P&G) in 2005. For FMOT, customer experiences products from a store or else we can say that a customer...
What is Inbound Marketing? Inbound Marketing is an approach focused on luring qualified prospects that build trust and reliability for your business through content and interactions. It includes methods like Social Media, Blogging, SEO, Social Publishing etc. What is Outbound Marketing? Outbound Marketing is the popular method of marketing where marketer initiates conversation and sends a message out to the audience. It includes methods like Tradeshows, TV Commercials, Print Advertisements, Email Blasts, Cold Calling etc. What expert says? As per the survey, 90% companies and businesses found that Inbound Marketing is more effective than Outbound Marketing in today’s world. In Outbound Marketing many people who are not in their target audience are also exposed to their message, which makes the cost of advertising on these mediums less effective. While Inbound Marketing is cost effective, easy to implement and also shows the creativity of marketer. Here are the 6 key reasons that Inbound Marketing...
Howdy folks, early greetings of the new year to all my readers. 2016 had been a significant year related to SEO and altogether google commence with a big bang of 2 algorithm update which changed the layout of SERP’s. The project Accelerated Mobile initiated experiments with a mobile-first index. SEO or Online Marketing showcases quick advancement, we shouldn't dawdle to be ahead of the curve on being left alone by both search engines and your competitors. Herewith look at the latest 5 SEO trends impacting on panorama of SEO which will be helpful to streamline your site optimization in the new year 2017. 1. Conversational and Voice Search 2. Accelerated Mobile Pages 3. Google Answer Box Optimization 4. Optimizing for Search Intent 5. Mobile App Indexing/Deep Linking Conversational and Voice Search : Talk to Google As per the insights of google, nearly about 55% of Teens and 41% of adults are using voice search...
The term Search Engine Optimization is self explanatory and it adds lot of values to the individuals, startups, SMEs and enterprise businesses. It has already gained more than enough importance in itself. It’s advisable to have knowledge of latest dates from SEO point of view in 2016. The Approaches to keep a business on top of a search in this competitive digital world has been changed. The technologies and strategies that we were using earlier may not be beneficial in coming days.
One cannot rely on traditional SEO only . Search engines changes their algorithms at regular intervals. So, one must remained aware about these changes, even it is not the requirement from the client end, but if we align and implement the same. The end result may exceed the client’s expectation.
The years from 2011 to 2014 were highly known as a years...