Definition Vuejs is an open source JavaScript framework used to build user-interfaces. It can also function as a web app framework that is capable of handling advanced single-page apps. VUEJS Lifecycle If you want to go deep in Vue, firstly you should be familiar with the component lifecycle. Life-cycle methods serve as an imagination as to how our built components work behind the scenes. They provide you with methods that enable you to trigger different actions at a different interface of a component’s life-cycle. You can use the component’s state and methods through an auto-bind property of life-cycle methods to your component. Categories of VUEJS Lifecycle Below are different four categories of lifecycle : 1. Creation (Initialization) 2. Mounting (DOM Insertion) 3. Updating (Diff & Re-render) 4. Destruction (Teardown) Creation This method allows you to perform actions before your component has even been added to the DOM. Unlike methods Use creation hooks if you need...