A deliberately designed RESTful API describes relationships, schema, resources and structure which will be easily available by the native apps.
When you develop & deploy any web API, consider requirements for the physical environment to host APIs and the way it’s developed rather than the logical structure.
API serves functionality of an application for other clients to use. With the use of API, applications interact with each other and yield output without any user knowledge.
Generally, web applications should have RESTful JSON APIs. REST stands for “Representational State Transfer” a fundamental style and approach to communications and used to develop scalable web services. JSON is lightweight and is in a readable format and it is used to structure the data.
Here are some pragmatic best practices to build a RESTful APIs using ASP.NET.
Use HTTP methods:
Use HTTP status code to handle errors:
API should give response with suitable status code and appropriate message in the response body.
There are many HTTP status codes, some are listed here:
200 OK – [GET]
Here is an example for some HTTP methods & status code to use to perform CRUD operation using APIs
HTTP Verb | CRUD | Entire Collection (e.g. /customers) | Specific Item (e.g. /customers/{id}) |
POST | Create | 201 (Created) | 404 (Not Found), |
GET | Read | 200 (OK) | 200 (OK) |
PUT | Update/Replace | 404 (Not Found) | 200 (OK) or 204 (No Content). 404 (Not Found) |
PATCH | Update/Modify | 404 (Not Found) | 200 (OK) or 204 (No Content). 404 (Not Found) |
DELETE | Delete | 404 (Not Found) | 200 (OK). 404 (Not Found) |
HTTP method Overriding:
Some proxies don’t support PUT or DELETE. This is because of browser or really tense corporate firewall. So to overcome these limitations, API needs a way to override HTTP method and we can call it “tunnel” also. So that means a header says “Seriously!!..I got here via POST, but I will allow you to use this one instead.” To achieve this functionality, use “X-HTTP-Method-Override: PUT” as a header.
Simplify Associations:
Data / Resources always have relationships with other resources. We’re using HTTP verbs to operate on the resources and collections. For example, city belongs to country. To get all the cities of specific country, or to create new city for that country, use GET or POST method. Representation of these associations in URL are like: “GET country/21/city”. This URL will return all cities of specific country and using “POST country/21/city” It will create city and relationships between specific country.
Use the Query String (?) for Optional or Complex Parameter:
Always keep URL short and simple. Select one base URL for resource and move complexity or optional parameters to query string.
EG. “GET /students/standard=12&subject=physics”
Filtering, Sorting and Paging for Collections:
Use a unique query parameter for all fields or a query language for filtering.
Documenting your REST API:
As a developer, make use of API documentation to understand how to utilize a service on which we are depending on. Getting started from the scratch is always the biggest challenge and time consuming, so I greatly appreciate those APIs that are very well-documented. Some of them even make it fun to learn to make effective and easy understandable document.
Below are the points that are good to have in your document.
Code: 200
Content: { id : 12 }
Content: { error : "Log in" }
Code: 200
Content: { Id: 2, name : "Delhi" }
Code: 404 NOT FOUND
Content: { Response : null }
url: "/City/108",
dataType: "json",
type : "GET",
success : function(r) {
} });
There are a lot of tools available in the market like Soap UI, JMeter, etc. But building continuous Integration with these tools can be a challenging task. It can be troublesome for developers to run these tools. So, the solution must be written in developer’s language.
Visual Studio has NuGet Package Called RestSharp and Newtonsoft JSON which makes the task easier for testing Rest API in a Black Box Manner.
RestSharp can send an API Get, PUT, Post, Delete and Patch Request and can get the response back from the API. In the Response, we can Check API for proper status Code, status Message, an assertion for specific JSON or XML Data.
Newtonsoft.json can deserialize JSON c#, which can be useful to get a JSON “Authentication Token” from the response body of the request. It helps to chain the request and makes life easy.
Steps for Solution:
These are the basic things to be taken care to design RESTful API structure; Stay tuned for our next article very soon.
We 9series, as an organization always try to serve best quality work to our esteemed clients; our expert team of engineers takes care of all small entities and requirements for the physical environment to host APIs and the way it’s constructed.